My Photo Story
This is my photo story, but its not a story where the pictures carry on from each other as you can tell, its more parts of a story. It shows a woman (my grandma) and her husband (my grandad) as a kind of ghost, and in the story shes recently lost her husband but hasn't gotten used to it yet. In the first picture shes put out 2 plates of food because that's what she was used to doing, in the second shes listening to music because she was always used to hearing the sound of her husband playing guitar, and the third shes in the garden remembering how her husband used to spend a lot of time out there bird watching.
I don't know weather just by looking at the pictures you can tell that's the story. I kind of related this story to 'Grandpa goes to heaven' because its about loosing someone, but its about the time after they've just gone and how things will have to change.